

What we offer is “a new experience of fragrance history with a full of aesthetic” through an essential oil with a variety of aroma.

1,200 years of Japanese history of fragrance, with which people conveyed their true feelings without using words, evolved into “Kodo (香道)”. Japanese aristocracies and samurai have loved fragrance based on their sense of aesthetic, which is condensed into “aroma essence”. We offer “Blooming Aroma” series to evoke your five physical senses and inspiration.

Our 100% pure natural Japanese-style essential oils, including “Kuromoji” loved by Sen no Rikyū (千利休), one of the historical master of “Chanoyu” (the Japanese "Way of Tea"), were carefully selected by our aroma therapist who visited local farms throughout Japan with our policy of “made in Japan”. Our essential oils have fine and vigorous fragrance as craftsperson processes in a respectful manner.

Taking into consideration natural circulation, we contribute our essential oil business in revitalization of local economy.




使う人の五感とインスピレーションに働きかけ、開花させる、Blooming Aromaシリーズを販売しております。

千利休の愛したクロモジをはじめ、アロマセラピストが現地を視察して厳選した100% Pureな天然の和精油は、Made in Japanにこだわり。職人の丁寧な処理により、繊細かつ力強い命を宿した香り。
